Traditional leadership training tends to cover leadership needs generically, as if all leaders are cut from the same cloth. This training experience is designed with you in mind as it can be tailored to reflect the specific challenges in your organization.

Training at your site
We travel to your site to deliver this leadership training experience in-person.
Training at our site
We welcome you to beautiful Tucson, Arizona, for this training experience. Expect the VIP treatment when you come see us.
Train the Trainer at your site
We certify your trainers in Get Results at your site so that the knowledge can be sustained and new behaviors can be reinforced.
Train the Trainer at our site
We welcome you to Tucson, Arizona, for Get Results training certification. This is ideal for companies that have less than four training certification candidates.
Leadership Coaching
To help the new knowledge and skills stick, we offer one-one-one coaching, in-person or virtually.
Using a holisitic approach to enabling healthy work environments, we offer organizational effectiveness consulting.

Who should participate in this training?
Leaders in political positions
Those who lead volunteers
Business owners
Military leaders in transition to industry
Those aspiring to move into leadership roles

Training package includes:
Leadership Balance Assessment
Work Style Inventory
Personalized training support
MP3 relaxation recording
And more...